Food (Tafel)


We made a list of international shops in Castrop-Rauxel, Bochum, Dortmund, Herne, Essen and Recklinghausen to help you find helal meat, african food or other things you know from home.



The Tafel provides food donated by grocery stores. Adults have to pay 2 € for food, kids can get food for free.

Where and when is food given out at the Tafel locations in Castrop-Rauxel?

Monday, 2 p.m. (14 Uhr): evangelisches Jugendzentrum Deininghausen, Weimarer Straße 11
Monday, 2 p.m. (14 Uhr): Merklinde, Johannesstraße 5
Tuesday, 3.30 p.m. (15:30 Uhr): katholische Kirchengemeinde St. Barbara, Ickern, In der Wanne 19
Wednesday, 1 p.m. (13:00 Uhr): Caritasverband, Lambertusplatz 16 (via Biesenkamp, it’s next to the church)
Thursday, 3 p.m. (15 Uhr): katholische Kirchengemeinde Herz Jesu Rauxel, Hildegardisheim, Clemensstraße 60 (close to Vördestraße, see map)
Friday, 12.30 p.m. (12.30 Uhr), Caritasverband, Lambertusplatz 16 (Zugang über Biesenkamp)


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