
How to register your newborn child

The rights of your newborn child in Germany

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC) is a law in Germany. Germany is committed to register every child „immediately after birth“ (Art. 7 para. 1 UN CRC). To be able to register your newborn child with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), so for example it can gain access to checkups, it must be registered with the local authorities: It needs a birth certificate or an extract from the birth register, also for his future, so that it may prove his identity later to the authorities.

How does your child get a birth certificate?

The hospital reports the birth to the registry office (Standesamt). You need to go to the registry office of the district in which you have given birth to her child within 4 weeks after birth. If necessary, accompanied by a translator. Ask in the hospital for the address of the registry office in charge. Sometimes there is a registry office right at the maternity hospital.
What you need at the registry office:
– Proof of identification (temporary residence permit or refugee ID)
– Your birth certificate (original and certified translation)
– If you are married: marriage certificate or marriage contract (original and certified translation)
It is best to arrange an appointment at the registry office and ask if you need any further documents. You always need original documents and certified translations. You usually get the birth certificate between 2 to 6 weeks after submitting the documents.

What to do if you don’t have any papers?

If you do not have the information necessary for a birth certificate documents, please still go to the registry office of the district in which the child was born. It’s your child’s right to get a birth certificate or an extract from the birth register.
If you do not own certificates, a birth certificate can be issued for your child also by means of an affidavit (§ 9 paragraph 2 PStG). Should this not be possible, your child is entitled to an extract from the birth register. An excerpt from the birth register serves – as well as a birth certificate – as a preliminary official document (compare § 55 paragraph 1 No. 1 and No. 4 PStG, § 54 paragraph 1 and 2 PStG and § 35 paragraph 1 PStV.).
Beware: If you do not own certificates, your child will always enter the birth register with the mother’s last name. If you submit the necessary documents subsequently at the registry office, the surname of the child is later changed to the father.
Ask your midwife and ask them to contact the Social Services Department. They can give you help.


How to register your newborn baby in Germany

An initiative of: Berlin Midwives/German Academy of Paediatrics e.V./Federation of Child and Adolescent medical societies/German Institute for Human Rights.
Date: June 1st, 2016

Financial child support

Did you come to Castrop as a refugee and managed to bring your kid or kids? You should register at the Familienkasse. For (financial) child support, you need to go to the Familienkasse after you got the Anerkennung. You can also find the application online in English:

You might need to fill out additional forms – you can find English/German versions here:


Am Erlenkamp 18
45657 Recklinghausen

Fax: 02361 90428 92

Phone: 0800 4 5555 30* (for personal matters/questions) – Mo – Fr: 08.00 – 18.00 Uhr
0800 4 5555 33* (about payment dates)  – daily 00:00 – 24:00 Uhr

* The call is free of charge.

Postal address:
Familienkasse Nordrhein-Westfalen Nord
44785 Bochum

Opening hours
Monday 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Tuesday 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr
Thursday 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Friday 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr


Fit für die Schule – AGORA

The AGORA in Ickern and the Kindergarten Lummerland offer special Kindergarten courses that prepare children for school:

 fit-fuer-die-schuleFlyer Fit für die Schule Englisch

Flyer Fit für die Schule Arabisch

Flyer Fit für die Schule Englisch

Flyer Fit für die Schule Arabisch


Welcome kids play group – Agora Castrop

„Welcome kids“ – A bridge project for refugee children in preschool (or children in similar situations)

Funding: Ministry of Labour, Integration and Social Affairs NRW – Youth Office/Youth Department of the City Castrop-Rauxel

Project Duration: 01.25.2016 – 31.12.2016

Location: Dresdener Straße 22, 44581 Castrop-Rauxel

With special consideration of refugee problems we promote in our playgroup in particular:

– language
– move
– social behavior
– creativity
– relaxation
– natural and environmental knowledge,

so that the children can develop motor, cognitive, emotional and social skills.

The project will be offered in an apartment in Deininghausen that is provided to us by Vonovia rent-free. The children are cared for for 30 hours per week by experienced teachers and social workers.

Opening times:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 08:00 to 14:00

Contact Person:
Jessica Fiebig-Lessmann, graduate social worker

Contact: 02305 92304-0 or 0178/1087335

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